Monday, June 27, 2011

RIP, Lorenzo Charles

How sad that both Lorenzo Charles and Jimmy V are gone.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Peavy The BullDog!

What's usually a recipe for disaster? Using everyone in your bullpen in a 14 inning defeat and then having your starter (Jon Danks) leave the next game in the 2nd inning with an injury. Well, after using a reliver for 2 plus, you bring in Jake Peavy who started and got a win agaisnt the Cubbies on Wednesday. Peavyh pitched 4 scoreless innings as the White Sox shutout the Nasty Nats!

When Peavy is not injured and at the top of his game, he's, well, NASTY!


I used to watch CNN's Sports Tonight. Fred Hickman and Nick Charles were great, often beating ESPN's SportsCenter in head to head battle for ratings.
Sad news.

Friday, June 24, 2011


One day after the 2011 NBA Draft, let's start thinking about the 2012 NBA Draft.

So if the season gets cancelled due to a lockout- how do we determine the draft order?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Zambrano Turns the Corner

There has never been a question as to Zambrano's talent. Probably the best arm in Chicago. It was his emotions- Crazy Z- not his arm. Since his spectacular meltdown last season at the Cell, Big Z has been darn close to a model citizen. Okay, he called his team a Triple A team and stated that "We Stinks." So, it was the truth and he said "We" not "They Stinks." Well yesterday was a perfect example of the "new and improved Zambrano." He could have lost it after giving up three runs tin the first, but instead pitch 7 scoreless innings after that. He had 5 Ks but 3 of them were strike-out of Adam Dunn, so they shouldn't count. That's like pitching to a pitcher in the NL. How long will the "new and improved" Zambrano last? Who knows, but you really think the Yankees shouldn't take a chance. If you would rather count on Freddy Garcia and Bartolo Colon in your starting line-up rather than taking a chance on Zambrano, then best of luck to you!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

One Reason to Like Twitter

Off to Wrigley this afternoon (10th game of the season and 4th different ballpark) to kinda root for the Yankees, boo Nick the Dick Swisher, drink som cocktails and admire the ladies!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

1995-96 Bulls Chosen GREATEST NBA Team Ever!!

One of the many reasons I took delight to the Mavericks' defeat of the Heat in the NBA Finals stemmed from the pre-season predictions that the Heat would challenge the Bulls' regular season record of 72 (72-10) wins. Child, please!

I know that HM will be happy to see that the 1995-96 still stand as the Greatest NBA team of all time!!

Glad that I was able to find a picture of (the former Ms.) Dennis Rodman and (Not Michael, but Katie Price) Jordan together, since they played so well together on that team!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dallas Mavericks Capture NBA Title

on the 20th anniversary of MJ's first title! Enjoy the pics- the "Loss of the Rings" is the best, in my opinion. Now I go back to my sad life, right-LeBron!

Nice Job, Heat!

After Wade and Lebron made fun of Dirk being sick in Game 4, do you think Dirk and Jason Terry will mock Wade for his alleged "Hip injury"!?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Happy Anniversary- Blackhawks Winning the Stanley Cup!

Not much time to blog today, but remembering where I was a year ago today celebrating the Blackhawks' Stanley Cup victory!

Chicago will have to hand over the Cup soon- hopefully to Boston rather than the Canucks, but hopefully we can get it back next year!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Break up the Twins- 5 Wins In A Row!

Dear Twins, Please continue your winning ways for the next two games and then please stop winning for a while. Thank you- White Sox fans.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Don't Want Zambrano on the White Sox, but...

he might make a better DH than Adam Dunn.
I'm just saying..

Big Z's Latest- Very Mild! Chill Out- Everyone!

I have grilled Zambrano for years. There are few things as entertaining as a Zambrano blow-up; but, yesterday was not one of them.
What did Zambrano say yesterday (in a calm voice) that was so despicable. At worst, he may have called Marmol out- but I am not even sure he did that. (I am not nearly in love with Marmol as some seem to be lately. Hey- Marmol has sucked recently. Admit) He said "We suck. We are a AAA team." Really- suspend him now, when his trade value may be as high as it has been in two years? Really, are you kiding me? If he said "I am playing with a bunch of AAA players", then yeah, I agree- suspend and/or fine him. But David Haugh?!,0,6141835.column

There are a lot of problems on the Northside right now- and Zambrano is far done the list. Hendry, Quade, and Ricketts are much higher up the list.
Leave Zambano in the rotation. Another quality start and Hendry's phone should be ringing non-stop (now would Hendry know what to do when the phone rings- that's another very legitimate question!). Of course, there is a chance that Big Z would have another classic meltdown on the mound. Now, that would be entertaining. As opposed to yesterday, which was a boring post-game interview- nothing more!

Four in A Row for Sox and Cubbies!

White Sox's first four game winning streak!

Four L's in a row for the Cubbies!

Heading to the Cell tonight. A little nervous. In the past, the Sox had a pretty good winning streak when I'm at the Cell. This year, so far 1-3 (he, that's still better that Useless Waste Adam Dunn's batting average!).

Friday, June 03, 2011

Miami v. Heat- Better WAGS?

Pretty sure that Jason Kidd is no longer dating Hope Dworaczyk, but Dallas still wins this competition. Peja's wife and Barea's girlfriend is more than enough.

Bruce Pearl or Jim Tressel?

Who is more likely to get a Division I Head Coaching Job- Bruce Pearl or Jim Tressel?

If I had to pick one, Bruce Pearl.

Dallas Somehow Ties Series At One

Yep, Miami had a foul to give at the end! It was great to see Dirk drive past Bosh.
Here's Tobacco Road Mayor's game summary:


Game 3 will be huge for the Mavs.

Thursday, June 02, 2011


Jim Thome (remember him White Sox fans, he's the guy that Adam Dunn is supposed to replace. Hey at least Dunn has not been to the DL this season!) is back on the DL. This is at least his second trip to the DL this season. His is at 593 home runs. At this rate he might not get 600 this season!

Have You Seen "The Hangover 2" Yet?

Well you better, because the plot of "The Hangover 3" will probably be really confusing if you don't see "The Hangover 2."

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I Love Chicago!

Went out on my balcony tonight to relax with a cigar and a beer. A few minutes later, I was treated to a fireworks show over Navy Pier. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am.
Good night!



The White Sox win their 7th in a row (each victory represented by a Playboy Playmate!) at Fenway! Damn! A three game sweep despite the continued downward spiral of Useless Waste Adam Dunn!!


Red Sox- you have a incredible line-up, bit if you really want to rely on Jenks and Papelbum as your bullpen, get the Maalox ready!

Another sweep over the Red Sox and 7 in a row!!