Friday, August 19, 2005

Apparently you and I are idiots (at least my Chicago readers)!! This according to Houston based sportswriter, Richard Justice, who wrote this in his own blog:

• Speculation continues to swirl about Dusty Baker's future in Chicago. It's time the Cubs cleared the air. Either offer him an extension beyond 2006 or admit that you're stupid enough to allow one of baseball's five best managers to leave. They don't get Dusty in Chicago. Never have, never will. He's way too smart for those idiots.

Huh? So that's the problem, Dusty Baker is too smart for us!! I haven't checked Dusty's bio lately, but I will try to find out if he has a Ph.d or law degree. Apparently, he too smart for little ol' me because all I have is a law degree! Maybe, Justice is referring to Cubs management like Jim Hendry, but I still don't like it!! As some of you know, I am an avid fan of "Pardon The Interruption" on ESPN ("Tony, Tony!!"). Richard Justice is a frequent guest on that show, and up till now I enjoyed his comments. But from now on, if he's on, I will not watch "PTI", unless Michael Wilbon, a Chicago native, is willing to confront Justice on this issue. To all my idiot friends out there- "Peace out!"

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