Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dusty Baker! This is a joke, right? Dusty meets with press and the Cubs post a story on the Cubs website to deny the rumors that Dusty is not interested in the Dodgers, Diamondbacks or any other managerial job! Dusty exclaims: "I'm staying in Chicago!" Dusty isn't that making a gigantic assumption- that you are not fired! Cubs fans waited all season for the return of Nomar and Kerry Wood. Well, they are back and since they have returned the Cubs have posted zero wins!! Dusty, shut up already and learn how to fill out a line-up card and how to handle a bullpen!


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Dusty Baker is just having an off year. He should be back because he has done a good job so far. The Cubs were almost in the World Series! Unless the Cubs can get LaRussa . . . or Ozzie, they should stay with Baker.

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Hey anonymous:
    Here is a guy (Baker)that comes out to dispell trade rumors and instead of his team rallying around their so called leader, they dump another 2 in a row. It's just not Baker having an off year, his whole team is off except for the MVP year that Lee is having and an all-star year for Ramirez. Now they think that Wood will be another Schilling coming out of their pen. Were does that leave their starters? Let's say that Wood domintaes the bullpen, then what, pull him out to be a starter that can only go to a sub 100 pitch count? This will then put a bigger burden on the bullpen that is already weak. Let's face it this guy does not belong on this ballclub. Why keep him, just because he is Kerry Wood? Get rid of him to a team that can use his limited services and move on. But I guess Corey Patterson's return is now the answer as he had a 2 home run game in the minors. Or about Nomar and Williamson. Oh, I guess that's not the answer either as the team has gone 0 and 5 since their return. Go White SOX.
