Tuesday, November 29, 2005

In case you were wondering what happens to college cheerleaders after graduation (no, this is not a joke about Carolina Panthers cheerleaders), according to an article in November 28th's New York Times, they become drug company sales reps! You got to love this line from the article: "Anyone who has seen the parade of sales representatives through a doctor's waiting room has probably noticed that they are frequently female and invariably good looking. Less recognized is the fact that a good many are recruited from the cheerleader ranks." So next time your doctor presribes Prevacid for you, you might what to inquire if it is because the Prevacid sales rep is a former University of Kentucky cheerleader.


  1. I gotta start asking if I can do the buying for doctors! Gee, ya know, I COULD buy that Cialis, but does it really work??????/............

  2. Keep it clean, HM, keep it clean! I don't want you and I to be in trouble with Mrs. HM!!!
