Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My good friend, who for purposes of his blog goes by the moniker "HM", has much more on the T. O. Arbitration ruling. Check his blog at Like him, I am ecstatic that the arbitrator upheld the decision. It is encouraging to see a coach win out over a malcontent player, which is why I applaud the Portland Trailblazers suspension of Ruben Patterson for "mouthing-off" to his coach about a lack of playing time. For those of you out there, and I know there are plenty, who dislike T.O.'s agent, Drew Rosenhaus, you have to love this ruling. Not only was Rosenhaus not able to renegotiate T.O.'s contract, but his player-client has lost money. Since T.O. is "playing" under his old contract, negotiated by T.O.'s former agent, Rosenhaus has not made a penny from representing T.O., unless he has negotiated some endorsement deals for T.O. that I am not aware of. Actually, T.O.'s former agent, at least in theory, may have a cause of action against Rosenhaus for costing him money. T.O. has lost about $800,000 durign his suspension and his previous agent is now out about 3% of that $800,000. Most NFL agents out there will always align with the NFLPA and root for a players' interest, but a good number of them are elated that Drew Rosenhaus got his you know what handed to him.

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