Monday, March 06, 2006

At this time of year, the top 25 is not as important as automatic bids and RPIs. For example Michigan State is out of my top 25 but that team is more than capable of making run into the Sweet Sixteen if not better.

1. UConn- despite a close game with Louisville, the best team in the nation.
2. Villanova
3. DUKE- better right the ship quick.
4. Memphis
5. Texas- playing for a possible #1 seed
6. Ohio State- a Big Ten Tournament chanpionship could translate into a #1 seed
7. Gonzaga
8. George Washington- got lucky agasint Charlotte
9. Illinois- like UNC, much better than anyone expected them to be.
10. UNC- Tyler Hansbrough is an incredible freshmen!
11. Pittsburgh
12. Tennessee- Bruce Pearl is the Coach of the year!
13. Boston College- best Jesuit team in the land!
14. Washington
15. UCLA
16. West Virginia
17. Kansas- here's hoping for a Kansas- Illinois match-up in the tournament
18. Florida- anyone who beats Kentucky is okay with me!
19. Georgetown
20. LSU
21. Oklahoma
22. N.C. State
23. Iowa
24. Nevada
25. Marquette

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