Monday, April 17, 2006

Forget about Tax Day, it's a Mega-Birthday day for friends and fans of the K-Line. Starting with the most important, it's my dad's birthday, Happy Birthday, Pop, I'm proud to be your son. Next Peter and Jennifer Garner were born on this 33 years ago. Apparently Peter no longer dreams of marrying Jennifer Garner, but since they were born on the same date, he will alsways have a special place in his heart for her (too corny, Pete?). Next, my man, Tommy hits the big 10 years old today. Tommy (that's Thomas Zachary, of course!), thanks for letting me to be one of your adopted uncles. Finally, but not the least, Brett Favre's #1 fan, Willie, is 9 years old as of today. Willie, all of us in Chicago know that you are a secret Bears fan! Have a good birthday and talk your dad into coming out for a White Sox game!! Happy Birthday to all, especially to Jennifer Garner!!

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