Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gee, I wonder why this story doesn't get one-tenth of the attention that the "Duke Lacrosse" story is getting.


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Utah State has a football team?

    UIC Badger

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Since I can't make my own posting on the K-line, I'll just throw this out there? What's with the District Attorney on the Duke case? The DNA evidence favors the Duke students. I think he either (1) loves the media attention and will try to milk this to advance his career, (2) is trying to get the black vote when he runs for re-election, or (3) is trully an idiot.

    I wonder if he will be so zealous in prosecuting the poor innocent stripper for perjury later down the line.

    UIC Badger
