Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Duke's AD Joe Alleva has issued a statement concerning the boating accident he was involved in. The statement doesn't mention anything about his son being arrested for a DUI.

“On Friday, June 23, my son J.D. and I were involved in a boating accident on Hyco Lake in Person County. It occurred as we were trying to navigate our way back to shore in dark, rainy conditions. The boat ran ashore, and I suffered a laceration on my head, which was bleeding. Because of the remote location of where the boat was aground, J.D. had to swim for roughly an hour, and ran to several houses before finding a home with someone to get me help. Upon the arrival of the EMS team, I was taken to the emergency room at Person County Memorial hospital and received several stitches in my head. I walked out of the emergency room on my own that night. I am thankful that the incident involved only one boat, that no one was seriously hurt and that my son was able to locate an occupied home on the lake with gracious people willing to assist us. The injury was not serious and I was in my office working today.”

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