Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Some random thoughts about the NBA finals. I didn't get to watch very much of last night's game as I was at the Cell watching the incredible offensive onslaught that the White Sox put on the Cardinals! Twenty runs- I have never seen a baseball game like that in person (and I can't remember a game like that even on TV). I thought if I ever would see 20 runs in a game or a 11 run inning, it would be on the North side of town! Anyway back to the NBA finals. If you want some great comments and thoughts on the Finals, please visit my friend's often recommended blog, Dwyane Wade is just an incredible player who had a "Lucy Pinder" performace in his first NBA finals. Best player in the NBA right now? Okay, it's difficult not to pick Lebron but other than Lebron it has to be Wade, right? In the past I defended Mark Cuban and rationalized his actions as the same thing most of us sports fans would do if we became billionaries (besides having sex with two women at once- "Office Space"). Howver, his behavior in the Finals made me root for the Heat in game 6! Wearing a Stackhouse jersey in game 5 was not only a "F-you" to the league but hey, what about playing favorites among your own players! Cuban, even young billionaires or even millionaires have to act grown-up once in a while. If not, then we would never be able to criticize Paris Hilton!

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