Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It has been a couple of seasons since I have gone up to Miller Park. But it looks like UIC Badger and I need to make a trip next season. How could we not know about the cheerleaders!? Their presence would have greatly helped the movie "Mr. 3000."


  1. Just one more reason to prefer Miller products over those from that other brewery out of St. Louis.

  2. Anonymous4:20 PM

    It would take more than just looking at the cheerleaders to get me excited about the Brew crew again. It has been a tough decade. I really like them but they always lose and it seems like the ownership doesn't care about winning by year in and year out having a bunch of no-names in the line-up and pitching (I miss the Yount/Molitor/Gantner days).

    However, if one or all of the cheerleaders would give a lapdance, that might change things.

    UIC Badger
