Friday, November 03, 2006

Peyton Manning and Tom Brady- the best quarterbacks ever!? Comments, thoughts?


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Joe Montana and John Elway were better. Terry Bradshaw and Troy Eikman.

    UIC Badger

  2. Of guys I was old enough to evaluate (so no Unitas or farther back): 5)Elway; 4)Brady; 3) Staubach; 2) Favre; 1) Montana. I don't see Manning as even a top 10. He has NEVER led his team to a title, ever, once. Tee Martin has a national title at Tennessee. Nuf said.

  3. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I had forgotten about Favre. I agree, he is much better than Brady or Manning. I would say that Troy Aikman is about as good if not better than Peyton Manning. I would put Peyton Manning in the same league as Dan Marino or Warren Moon.


  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    My only 2 cents regarding Tom Brady is that he is the Derek Jeter of the NFL. The Poster Child, The Golden Boy..not Necessarily the most talented players at their repective position/sports, both both rise to another level and flat out know how to win.
    Is Peyton statistically and perhaps even physically stronger or keener than Brady? Perhaps. But just look at Tom's bling.
    As far as past QB rivalries...I was never much of an NFL historian...
