Friday, January 12, 2007

Saving the best for last: Seattle @ BEARS! I can't be objective in this one, but I will try. This is a better Seattle team than the one that visited Chicago for a butt-kicking. But then again, this is not the same Bears team, missing, among others, DT Tommie Harris who had a great game agaisnt Seattle. I gotta hope that Rex plays like Rexy and the defense steps up especially agaisnt the run. The Bears need an early lead (Devin Hester, please!!) so that Thomas Jones/Cedric Benson can control the clock and the defense can be let loose. So, I predict that a certain team, by the lake, begining with "Chi" and ending with "cago" shall prevail. And that team is known as DA BEARS! Let's say 28-14. If not, then poor Todd will have anotehr heart attack!

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