Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Happy 1 day birthday to future Illini linebacker, "Baby OC." When you clock in at 8 lbs 12 ozs, you are probably not looking at a QB, but who knows with this kid's boodlines! Here's hoping that Baby OC shuns away from daddy's Illini roots or grandpa's Irish ties. Hopefully he will listen to Uncle K and consider DUKE, or a fine Jesuit institution like Loyola or even mom's relatively unknown Jesuit college, G-Town. In all seriousness, congrats to Mom and Dad OC!

1 comment:

  1. Though unsolicited, I'm happy to advise Baby OC to steer clear of Duke under all circumstances. Kindly store this recommendation for the next sixteen years and pass it along to Baby OC at the appropriate time. I know that Baby OC will appreciate any advice that Al Swearengen is willing to offer him.
