Monday, June 18, 2007

Eva's friends have impossible standards!!
Okay, you are Eva Longoria, you are rich, beautiful and
famous (and you actually seem nice), but your girlfriends are nuts (or maybe jealous!). SOme of your friends don't like your hubby to be. Why!? Because he orders before you do in restaurants!!! Could it be that their standars are a little too high?! (But just in case, Eva, I will always let you order first and I will never be rude to waiters!) Reminds me of a scene from The American President when the Annette Benning character does not think she shoud be datign the President:
Sydney Wade: "Yeah... I gotta nip this in the bud. This has catastrophe written all over it."
Beth Wade: "In what language? Sydney, the man is the leader of the free world. He's brilliant, funny, handsome. He's an above-average dancer. Isn't it possible our standards are just a tad high?"

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