Monday, June 11, 2007

I read Carol Sleazak, so you don't have to!!!

Carol is not too happy with Amanda Beard posing in Playboy ( I guess we can gladly assume that Carol will never pose in Playboy!) Here is another view on the topic.


  1. Carol Slezak -- couldn't you just have cut and pasted one of 20 old Christine Brennan columns and saved yourself some work?

    What is Amanda Beard's point? I think it is "I am gorgeous, but not rich. I can get paid money to show my body and maybe Playboy will help me market other business ventures."

    What is Slezak's point? "Any woman who poses nude is a whore."

    Well, I suppose that anyone who models in any way is really a whore b/c they are being paid to look good so others can be sold some product.

    As always, you run into the ultimate contradiction of feminists -- "Women should be allowed to do anything..........unless it is something sexy, then no, those women are whores." So, we see in the final analysis that feminist whackos like Carol Slezak end up in agreement with right-wing whackos like fundamentalist religions of the world where women who show their skin are treated as criminals.


  2. Sun-Times Sports-Carol Slezak and Jay Mariotti- groan!
