Wednesday, September 26, 2007

#2- Title Vacated
Just like Floyd Landis has given up his 2006 Tour de France title, and UMass has been forced to vacate its 1996 Final Four Appearance, the #2 spot on my list of top twenty sports wives/significant others has been vacated. But unlike Floyd Landis, her title was not vacated because of her improper testerone ratios (at least as far as I know), but instead my poor research ( if I was HM, I would state that I was "mislead"!). When I prepared my list, I falsely assumed that she was still married to an athlete. Further research has shown that she is indeed divorced from this athlete and therefor no longer eligible for this list. Who was she? Well, if you ask nicely, I may just tell you!

1 comment:

  1. I hereby make that demand on behalf of your readership.
