Thursday, September 18, 2008

Schilling must hate the fact that the Red Sox will (barring major collapse) make the playoffs without him. Worst, he must hate the fact that no one is even noticing the fact that he is not on the team. Well, taking some time away from his McCain butt-kissing, he decides it's time to rip on Manny.
Hey, I hated the whole "that's Manny being Manny" thing as much as any one, it there anyone who actually things the Red Sox would have won the World Series in 2004 and 2007 without Manny?! And look at what Manny has done for the LA Dodgers!!!
Manny a sure-fire Hall of Famer.
Schilling (a great Post-season pitcher), but a borderline Hall of Famer, at best. Oh yeah, Curt take satisfaction in the fact that you are a douche!

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