Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NCAA Brackets

Damn, maybe I made a mistake in picking Tennessee over Oklahoma State in the first round.


  1. Since HM won't run any Salma Hayek features, I thought I might mention the idea to you.

    (As you might have seen online, HM's taken offense at my characterizing Scarlett Johansson as not being in the same category as Hayek. As a result, he's sulking and refusing to run any Hayek pics. Offline, I'm getting the sense that HM's losing his wits. He mentioned to me that he's going to run a huge pictorial on "hotty" Sissy Spacek -- with the hope of running up the number of hits on his blog. I'm fairly confident that's going to backfire on him. You should probably talk to him.)

  2. I'm calling him right now!

  3. I'm calling him right now!

  4. Personally, if it is between Scarlett Johansson and this OSU fan, purely on looks, I'm doing this OSU fan.

  5. No question about it.
