Monday, April 20, 2009

0-16 Lions Break-out New Unis, New Logo

Maybe it was the unis.
Or maybe the Lion was just not fierce enough.


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Oh, that Lion is fierce! The problem with the Lions is that they played like guys who use the word fierce.

  2. If you google "Detroit Lions New Logo" almost every single description of the new logo is that the lion is more "fierce!"

  3. It was either a new logo or bring back Wayne Fontes. I think the Lions made the wrong choice.

  4. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Wayne Fontes is the greatest football coach in the history of the Detroit Lions. The Lions ran him out of town (and by doing so also, Barry Sanders). Fontes got a raw deal. By the same token, Mooch also was wrongly fired.


  5. Badger, I am starting to come around to your way of thinking! Maybe it was the "curse of Wayne Fontes" that led to the 0-16 season?

  6. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Maybe. Or maybe it was the fact that they fired Mooch. Steve Mariuchi did a fine job for the Lions considering the team that he had to coach Every year they improved under him.

