Saturday, May 02, 2009


When people ask why I became a lawyer, I often respond "Because I have no talent." C'mon, if I could play the guitar, sing, act or play professional sports, I would do that. Therefore I am always in awe when I see people whom I truly believe are talented. Well, about 8 years I was with a buddy in Vegas and since neither of us are big gamblers and there are only so many times you can hit the strip clubs (seriously), we decided to go see Danny Gans, then at the Mirage (where as an aside, I had the biggest Vodka Tonic of my life, served in a plastic cup the size of a "Big Gulp"). Well suffice it to say, I was in awe of this guy's talent. Young or old, there is no way you could leave this show and not be impressed with this guy's talents. It is sad that some will never see him perform. A former minor league ballplayer, he was in the movie "Bull Durham."


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