Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am not sure, after going back and checking how this became a "steak dinner" (see below)but that's cool with me!

RKG said...
Hey K! How about a pre-season bet. DInner ofr the winner, Sox record vs. the Twins record?RKG
11:50 AM

K said...
Ok- as long as it is not Dinner at Charlie Trotter's or at "Mendi's"(sp?)!
12:17 PM

RKG said...
Sports Bar of the winner's choice!
3:41 PM

RKG if you can find a sports bar with scantily dressed women and a decent steak, works for me!!


  1. Do you have a "Tilted Kilt" up there? Much better than "Hooters.' Better menu and at least the one in downtown has about 15 beers on tap.

  2. It was a battle to the end, with your boys working to win until the last gasme. (Wish they could have won that one too!)

    Looking forward to a steak (or otherwise) soon!


  3. But this year you got Home field or more appropriately Dome Field advantage. Clearly your guys are the favorites. I will root agaisnt Minnesota tonite (Vikings) and root for Minnesota (the Twins) tomorrow. I will root for Crede, bad back and all, and for OC. OC was a great pick-up. He can be a selfish prick, but a hell of a clutch player. Perfect for the play-oof push. And next year-it's on. Starting rotation of Peavey, Buerhle, Danks, Floyd plus Garcia or one of the youngsters- Hudson or Castro. THere's always next year, unless you are the Cubs!!
