Friday, November 13, 2009


I have been a Bears' fan for a LONG TIME. I can't remember the last time that I was so disgusted over a Bears' team.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    That certainly wasn't a good performance by Cutler, but Hester also underperformed, and your defense should have been able to force more bad plays by Alex Smith. Ultimately, the reality is that this Bears team simply isn't very good. Chris Williams is lousy, and Pace is on his way out. The 0-line is just old. I don't like your receivers. Hopefully, you've got a lot of picks in the upcoming draft. Should be a lot of juniors coming out in advance of a feared lockout.

  2. No first or second round pick next year because of the Cutler trade. I agree with everything you stated except the Defense. When you only give up 10 points and your offense turns the ball over five times that pretty good. Okay, it wasn't the '85 defense but still... I would root for the team to lose the rest of its games if I thought it would result in a change in GM, coach and philosophy. But I fear ti will not. Oh well,

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Sorry guys. The Bears should've stayed with Kyle Orton. As a Lions fan, who switches over to the Bears once the Lions are eliminated (usually by week 3), I've rooted for Orton over Grossman and I think he's a winner. From the Bronchos games that I did see, I didn't think Cutler was any better than Jake Plummer. I am glad to see Orton winning with the Bronchos. Now, with the Bears eliminated, I need to pick another team from the division to root for. Sadly, if I have to choose between Packers and Vikings, I will have to choose the Vikings.


  4. Very Fair-weathered!
    Ramblers open hoops season tonight

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Yes, I am fair weathered. But if you are a Lions fan you have to be. Case in point, our greatest coach was Wayne Fontes and we couldn't win even with Barry Sanders.

    I am rooting for the Vikings because Brett Favre is around my age, and seeing him play makes me think I am not old.

