12! A dozen! Ain't a dozen great?! You can get a dozen donuts, a dozen eggs and now, a dozen postseason losses in a row by the Twinkies- Enjoy! (even Cub fans are laughing)
Let's put things in proper perspective- in the time that the Twins have lost 12 postseason games in a row, the White Sox have WON 12 post-season games, including a very important trophy.
A poor way of representing the Central. The Curse of K (more on that later, but remember, you don't tug on Superman's cape) prevented me from saying anything about the Twins' fans, now officially worse than Cubs fans , but let's just say that I enjoyed the following from Deadspin:
Minnesota Twins (94-68, AL Central Champs)
... But I will say this: The emailer accusing Minnesotans of "distrusting" black people? TOTALLY DEAD ON. Minnesotans aren't racist so much as they're suspicious of anyone who does not have blond hair, blue eyes, a last name ending in "son," and a hearty bowl of Jello salad ready for their neighbors at all times.
Twins fans are like the retarded, in-bred cousins of Packer fans. They're fat. They're pale. They distrust black people, with the inexplicable exception of Kirby Puckett (more on him later), and embrace scraptastic white queefs like Nick Punto.
I live in the Twin Cities and am subjected to Twins fans jerking themselves off on a daily basis. It's always the same shit. "Didja know Joe Mauer grew up in St. Paul? Have ya been to Target Field yet? What a gorgeous place! It's so great to have the boys out of the Metrodome! Wouldn't it be cool if our little team could beat those overpaid Yankees from the Big City? Have you heard that song by The Hold Steady? It's so neat Whatshisname Finn remembers where he came from!" Gah! These simpletons are too overcome with unjustified pride to realize they were screwed into paying for a stadium, most fans never went to a game before said stadium, and their team isn't nearly the underdog they like to think if they believe payroll is the barometer.
Yep, that's about it, Twins fans. Go ahead crow about owning the White Sox (yes, you own the White Sox for the last few years and I always gave you credit for that) or you could be smart, humble and shut your yaps until you win a postseason game.
Enjoy the remaining, or real, playoff teams. Hey, you can cheer on the Texas Rangers, managed by the best manager in the game named Ron!!
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