Sunday, March 13, 2011

Go To Heck, Carolina, Go to Heck!

Gave up swearing for lent. Screw it, Go to Hell, Carolina, Go to Hell!!
Take for rushing the court last week, Tar Holes!


  1. It turned out to be a meaningless game for UNC anyway, but it got Duke the #1 seed. UNC says, you are welcome Duke.


  2. Wow. Pretty low for you, but now that you are a Tar Hole, I guess I should expect classlessness from you and expected your standards of intelligence to sink (think Cubs' fan excuses). After Carolina beat Duke last week I kept my mouth shut. Carolina stormed the court last week-why!??! DUKE is now the ACC Champion and has the ACC trophy again!!! Enjoy jinxing your true alma mater which has not won a game since you rooted for Carolina and now cannot even score 35 points in a game!!! PG and I will enjoy the 2011 ACC Champions shirts that I just ordered. You and the other hand are dangerously close to becoming a Cubbie.
    Stay classy, Tar Holes! DUKE- ACC CHAMPS!!!!

  3. The Badgers are fine. There was no jinx, they just lost a meaningless game. UW would have been a 4 seed before the loss and is a 4 seed now. I think UW can handle the mighty Belmont. Having said that, if UW loses to Belmont, maybe there is some sort of jinx. If they lose to Kansas State, no jinx, because Kansas State is really good.

    Same with the Tar Heels. Sure, it would have been nice to beat Duke. But, beating Duke would not have gotten UNC a 1 seed. UNC got the 2 seed that it was expecting, so the game turned out to be meaningless. Duke had a lot more on the line and it showed. Congrats to Duke, but Duke should be thanking UNC for losing and the #1 seed that it got as a result.

    Also, UNC did win the regular season title, so they are both champs.


  4. The official ACC champion is the Tourney winner! The ACC does not award a trophy for the regular season. Learn the rules before you say something. If you really believe that the Tar Heels didn't care about the game- and that the game for the ACC Championship was meaningless, then enjoy the Roy Williams Kool Aid. I beleive that beverage is served at Wrigley Field. Again, I did make excuses after Carolinabeatr Duke last week. Go ahead, make excuses. Show a lack of class. It is fitting in Carolina Puke, I mean Blue!


    I am sure the Tar Heels cared, but as I was saying, it is a case of no harm no foul. At game time the game was big, because the loss could have dropped UNC to a 3 or maybe a 4, but looking at it after selection Sunday, it turned out to be meaningless. UNC is still a 2 seed. No one is making excuses. The Tar Heels played like horse crap and it was painful to watch. Duke got a #1 seed because the Heels were so awful. In this Jekyl/Hyde season, UNC looked like the Tar Heel team that lost big to the Illini, not the hot team of late. There is nothing wrong with saying that Duke should be grateful that the shitty Hyde team showed up because had Duke lost, they would not have been a 1 seed.

    Same with UW. I thought they would drop to a 5 after the horrible horrible horrible "game" that I saw Friday night. But, also, no harm/no foul. They are the same 4 seed that all of the "experts" were predicting pre-Big 10 tournament.

    The people on the committee said there was no chance that UNC would have been a 1 seed and mentioned that UW's loss made no difference either.

    Again congrats to Duke, but UNC, (luckily) is no worse off in the tournament for losing the game.


  6. You are full of sh#t!
    Enjoy the Kool-Aid!

  7. LOL. It is kind of hard to rationalize a tough loss. Only low carb Kool-Aid for me--Crystal Lite? (:

    Seriously, Duke played like a team on a mission and if they keep up that pace in the tournament, no team will beat them, not even mighty Hampton.


  8. By the way, UNC has a ACC regular season champions t-shirt.

