Tuesday, April 19, 2011

White Sox Lose 5th in a Row

Please win tonite! I don't want to have to post a picture of 6 ugly, er unattractive (that's cruel, okay "not my type") women!!


  1. Twins suck-- but have won two in a row (for the first time this year)!!

  2. It is still early but neither of us are happy right now

  3. That is not what you said when you were hitting this last night.


    The Girl On Your Far Right As You Look At the Picture

  4. Hey- it was a wedding, they were horny. I was there. Sometimes, you gotta perform your duty!

  5. I'm getting increasingly worried about Thornton but not for the reasons most people are worried: Unlike with Jenks, I think he can do the job. The fear right now is discouragement. The more Thornton blows, the more likely he's prone to blow saves more because of uncertainty and lack of confidence.

  6. Daniel, Agreed 100%! Concerned about Matty's confidence. I think Ozzie has the same concern, which is why he brought Thornton right back after his first blown save. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
