I will now remove the label: "Useless Waste" from Adam Dunn's name, as the Big Donkey had his best night as a White Sox, going 4 for 5 with a Monster solo shot leading the ChiSox to maybe their best victory of the season (still a looooooooooooong way to go!). Keep it going big guy as you are now back to being the Big Donkey!
BTW, really need to get some sleep. Stayed up till the wee hours to watch the OKC-Memphis triple OT game the other night and then extra innings last night for the ChiSox on the West Coast!
What'd you think of Peavy's performance?
It was good. But the real test will be how he feels in between starts and how long he can start. I still don't think they will actually stick with a 6-man rotation. Will one of the starters be traded? Cubs could use a starter. As to our Sox, I want to see them win a few more before I get too excited.
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