Friday, December 30, 2011

Actually Watched Some College Football Last Night!

1. Based on quality of co-eds alone, Florida State deserved the win over ND. As my faithful readers know, I am far from a ND fan, so take my comments with the requisite amount of salt. Brian Kelly, here is a crazy suggestion- instead of yelling at your qbs after every mistake, how about actually coaching them and preparing them for the game! At this point it looks like bad PR on your part- "It ain't my fault, but the fact that my quarterbacks suck! See, I am yelling them after they screw up." Stop it BK.

2. Baylor's football team outscored the Loyola Ramblers bk team last night- 60 to 48! If you were a defensive player in yesterday's Alamo Bowl, do you actually admit it.

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