Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Happy Birthday Paul Giamatti

One of my favorite actors. My top Giamatti roles-
1. Sideways- one of my all time favorite movies.
2. American Splendor- great film and incredible acting
3. Cinderella Man- "Pop.Pop. Bam!"
4. Win, Win.- A very good independent film
5. Private Parts- "Pig Vomit"

HM: Donnie Brasco (bit role as "FBI Technican")
        Barney's Version- An average film but once again     Giamatti is great.


  1. Bart Giamatti's son.

    He was amazing as John Adams.

  2. Correct! Mena to watch "John Adams" but can't seem to commit to it. ALso heard good things about "Too Big To Fail." His brother is also an actor.
