Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Loyola- Mississippi State in 1963, Much More Than A Game

On Saturday night, I will be going to The Joe with Dick Weasel and CK for the Loyola v. Mississippi State game (gotta assume that PG will also be there). Yeah, it's just another non-conference. But it was not just another game the last time Loyola and Mississippi State played almost 50 years ago. Loyola University of Chicago, still the only Illinois team to win the NCAA championship, had four African Americans in the starting line-up (almost unheard of in that time). The Ramblers had to put up with a good deal of racial tauts at many away games especially in the South. Mississippi State was all-white (read the story on the above link) and had passed on the NCAA tournament to avoid playing teams with any African Americans on it. And in order to play Loyola in East Lansing, Mississippi State had to pretty much escape Mississippi.

Yeah, I'm just going to a basketball game on Saturday, but it is going to be much more than just a game. .

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