Sunday, April 21, 2013

White Sox Log

Losing Ugly!

White Sox Record: 7-11
Record with K in Attendance: 3-2

Congrats to the \Twins, who apparently won the division yesterday based on a the celebration after Sunday's victory.
Side note re Twins fans. In the second inning two couples sit down in the row behind me (I was directly behind home plate, Row 18 together with at least 2 scouts). The two buys were Twins fans while the ladies were White Sox fans. One of the guys: "Please pass the ketchup for my hot dogs."  I turn around and yeah, the two guys from Minnesota are eating hot dogs with ketchup. Luckily and rightfully so, they were escorted out of the seats in the next inning when the true seat holders arrived. I am sure that the two idiots from Minnesota (and let me tell you they were idiots) must have been shocked that a black family was even at the ballpark- much less with seats that good!!!

Gavin Floyd with a quality start. Bullpen decides it is okay to walk batters. Donnie Veal probably needs to be sent down to the minors if he can't get lefties out.

Offense continues to disappoint. I could go on, but why even bother at this point

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