Thursday, May 12, 2011

I Hope HM Enjoys the Pay-Off

Somehow got this old picture of me. Of course, I am not pointing fingers at HM, especially since he told me that he burned the pictures! I guess some one could have stole the pics from him.

Kind of worried about that old sex tape now. Could still be on that chick's hard-drive. I mean how much memory space can a 7 second video take-up?


HM said...

Nice Zubaz. I have a pic at home I will try to scan in and post -- Zubaz pants, Zubaz hat.

K said...

I never wore a Zubaz hat (they made them?), so it better be a picture of you!

HM said...

Some guy with jet black hair, so it is hard to believe it is me. But it is.