The best time of year is upon us, the college basketball season is here and will really hit full force in the next few days.
In case you need some reasons to get psyched about the upcoming season, read this article:
Why do big college cheerleaders look like pros? I'm mean...these girls got into college? sigh.
Depends on the school, Andy. You see Big Ten cheerleaders and you think cute, but they look like college age women (again, not a bad thing!). But then you see USC, UCLA and Oregon ( Oregon cheerleaders are very hot!) and you say hot woemn who look at least 24 and are probably all trying to getting into the modeling or acting biz!
hahhaa Continuing Ed students.
all delightful in their own right.
Now get your ass over to The PD would ya? Shit you haven't commented in about a week. Not even a comment on Laettner? That's not the K I know..
Andu- I am beginning to think you list of hated athletes is really a "How much can piss off K " list!
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