Tuesday, January 13, 2009


to CO-ED Magazine.
HM and I share a mutual dislike (dare I say hatred?) for Dan Cook. There must be a reason that Hollywood executives keep putting him in movies that suck as bad as he does. So, I assumed that maybe I am just too old for his "humor" and maybe, it is the younger crowd that enjoys his humor. Well, according to CO-ED Magazine, which I know skews to a younger audience that me- Dane Cook is #1 on this list!!
I have to add that personally, there was a time, long ago that I found Louie Anderson fairly funny, for a PG-rated comedian, and Richard Lewis is great in small dosages on "CYE", but otherwise this is a pretty good list!


Anonymous said...

I disagree with Richard Lewis. He is funny.

K said...

As I stated I like Richard Lewis on "CYE", but I am not sure I would wan tto listen to him for a 90 minute stand-up.

HM said...

I agree with everyone on the entire list. I would also add Rita Rudner for the past 10 years.

Cook's clip involves him getting a BJ and a girl not being able to find the door handle of his car. How drunk or stoned must his crowds be?

K said...

Pauly Shore?

Anonymous said...

Pauly Shore is kinda annoying. He was good in Son in Law and Jury Duty.


Barry said...

Cook belongs on the list, but not #1.