to CO-ED Magazine.
HM and I share a mutual dislike (dare I say hatred?) for Dan Cook. There must be a reason that Hollywood executives keep putting him in movies that suck as bad as he does. So, I assumed that maybe I am just too old for his "humor" and maybe, it is the younger crowd that enjoys his humor. Well, according to CO-ED Magazine, which I know skews to a younger audience that me- Dane Cook is #1 on this list!!
I have to add that personally, there was a time, long ago that I found Louie Anderson fairly funny, for a PG-rated comedian, and Richard Lewis is great in small dosages on "CYE", but otherwise this is a pretty good list!
I disagree with Richard Lewis. He is funny.
As I stated I like Richard Lewis on "CYE", but I am not sure I would wan tto listen to him for a 90 minute stand-up.
I agree with everyone on the entire list. I would also add Rita Rudner for the past 10 years.
Cook's clip involves him getting a BJ and a girl not being able to find the door handle of his car. How drunk or stoned must his crowds be?
Pauly Shore?
Pauly Shore is kinda annoying. He was good in Son in Law and Jury Duty.
Cook belongs on the list, but not #1.
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